I'm a Developer & Engineer who solves problems people don't know exist. Solving problems can be difficult, but so is failing: Choose Your Hard! I choose to Learn, Teach, and Replicate, Ensuring Generational SUCCESS.
My First GitHub Repository (worth the look): In every Developer's & Engineer's life, "Hello, World" is as special as a baby's first step- perhaps, not everyone is able to walk; but anyone can code: they just have to have stick-to-it-ness - GRIT! These were my first steps: "HELLO, WORLD!!!"
These Search Engines are a responsive web app that displays images and information about space, stars and planets. The user enters a desired word, and when the search button is pressed results appear using two NASA API's and one Wikipedia API.
A picture of the day will also appear in a side card, whatever picture is shown was taken on the same date as today (with the exception of the year).
Users can then hover over their result images and click one of the heart buttons to add it to a list of favorite images. This is connected to local storage and will be saved even if the user refreshes.
Developers are often tasked with creating interfaces that make it easy for non-developers to view and even interact with information, stored in databases. Often, these interfaces are known as Content Management Systems (CMS). This is an architect and built solution for managing a company's employees (using node, inquirer, and MySQL). This project includes Node.js, MySQL, and Inquirer!
A portfolio can land you a part-time position; or even a full-time career! If you you create an effective portfolio, you'll soon discover that you highlighted your best projects (including your thought process behind it: don't just commit git). Learn how to create a basic portfolio, with this repository.